Thomas Barregren

The difficult art of sugar reduction

Consumers are demanding food and beverage with less added sugar, and authorities are also pushing for it. But reducing sugar is not as easy as it sounds. Sugar gives volume, texture and sweetness. If you remove sugar, something else must take its place and give the same taste. But what to choose? Food and beverage companies that want to reduce sugar are facing a challenge. In this article we look at the alternatives from a helicopter perspective.

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Stevia and steviol glycosides

Steviol glycosides are sweet substances found in the Stevia rebaudiana plant (usually called stevia). Twelve steviol glycosides are approved as sweeteners in the EU. They are not energizing (0 kcal), do not raise blood sugar (GI 0) and are also of natural origin. This makes them an excellent choice for reducing sugar in foods and beverages. Here you can learn more about stevia and steviol glycosides. You also get tips on more reading.

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Photo: Stevia Hellas Cooperative

European tobacco farmers switch to stevia

The global market for stevia grows more than 8 per cent annually. It is growing fastest in the Asia-Pacific region – and in Europe, which makes it profitable to grow stevia here. This was given attention to by BBC the other day with a report about the first commercial stevia farm in Europe.

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Dextrin – from seed to Eureba

Every time you bake bread, you make dextrin. It happens in the crusts of the bread; the starch is converted by the heat to dextrin. There are different types of dextrin. Some break down into glucose during digestion. Others are dietary fibre. The latter we use in some of our sweetened fibres (Eureba). They are produced from GMO-free maize. Read about dextrin’s journey from corn to sweetened fibres.

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Sweetened fibres – the sweet journey (part 6 of 6)

In the sixth and final article from our sweet journey – from sugar to sweetened fiber – we learn how dietary fiber, together with high-intensity sweet substances of natural origin, can replace 1:1 sugar without changing the manufacturing process.

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Trends that affect your company

Companies active in the food industry and the health care sector are very much affected by trends. Those who can predict what will be popular can keep on top of the game and gain business advantages over the late comers. However, it is not easy to know which of all the alleged trends that are real, and worth betting on. This is why we will tell you about six meta-trends and nineteen short- and medium-term trends to watch.

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Inspiration and useful knowledge

Bayn Magazine gives you – who lead a medium-sized food company, or develop its products, or market and sell its goods – reports and interviews, analyzes, tips and advice and sometimes a chronicle. Here you can read why.

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