Josef Lundström

Dabas — your shortcut to market

Are you familiar with Dabas? Are your products listed there? Can you see the value of it? If your answer to all three questions is yes, you can stop reading now. All others should read on.

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Surf the natural wave

A strong trend is passing like a great wave through the sea of consumers. Ever more consumers want “natural” foods, or at least foods that don’t contain “unnatural” ingredients. The hysteria around E-numbers is a source of worry. But have you considered how your company can make use of this trend? How can you surf the wave of greater consumer awareness about manufacturing methods and ingredients? In this article I will give you a few hints to get started.

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Stevia – from seed to Eureba

Stevia is a herb that grows wild in Paraguay’s rainforest, but is also cultivated for its sweet taste. The substances that give the sweetness — steviol glycosides — are extracted with a process that is similar to how sugar is extracted from sugar beets. Although it is 300 times sweeter than sugar, it has zero calories. A dream for food producers. Well … The intense sweetness is also a challenge. How could one kilo of sugar be replaced by three grams of steviol glycosides? That is solved by Eureba that replace sugar one-to-one. Read about stevia’s journey from seed to Eureba.

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