Elisabet Tapio Neuwirth

Why you should sweeten with Reb M

Reb M is the new star on the sky of sweetners. It is a steviol glycoside that tastes like sugar, but is 300 times sweeter. It has no bitter off-taste or licorice aftertaste like other steviol glycosides. Read on and learn more!

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Mogrosides – the EU will soon decide on the plant-based sweetener

Mogrosides are sweeteners derived from monk fruit – a relative of cucumbers, melons and pumpkins. The plant-based sweetener is up to 600 times sweeter than regular sugar. It is approved in Asia, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and several Latin American countries. Soon it can also be approved within the EU. In other words, it is high time to get to know the new sweet of natural origin.

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Is sugar making us age faster?

The more sugar you eat, the faster you age both on the inside and on the outside. Advanced glycation end-products, AGEs, causes the problem. Proteins and excess sugar are bound together in a chemical compound and then stored in the body. But you can turn the clock back – by reducing sugar. Read on!

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Young and hungry – but not at all costs

Generation Z demands. But not only on the world leaders. The demands on food and the food industry are also high. This young generation has a sustainable mindset that permeates everything they do, consume and eat. They buy products that confirm their lifestyle – and if they still live at home, the parents will buy what their youngsters want. Peter Wennström, CEO of the research company The Healthy Marketing Team, guides us to a new consumer group with ethical indicators.

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Britain’s pursuit of sugar reduction and healthier lifestyle

A sense of urgency prevails in the UK. We are not talking about Brexit. No, the sense of urgency has to do with a widespread epidemic. The villain is too much sugar in food. Every third pupil is expected to be overweight or has developed obesity before even leaving primary school. The UK government demands that the food industry reduce its sugar content by five per cent – every year for five years. They get help along by two British television personalities – Jamie Oliver and Michael Mosley – who do their share for a better lifestyle. About all of this write today’s columnist.

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Healthy ice cream – or good-for-you ice cream..?

Is the ice cream supposed to be useful just because the sugar has been replaced with sweetened fibres? That’s the question for this week’s chronicle.

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How we safeguard quality — from cultivation to production

The ingredients from all corners of the earth are transported to Europe and our partners producing Eureba. We put a lot of energy into ensure quality at every step and make sure everything runs smoothly. Do you want to know more? Read on!

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What if employees express themselves positively about your products on social media?

The Advertising Ombudsman (RO) found that Nocco’s brand manager in breach of ICC regulations on advertising identification. How do the rules of influencer marketing affect your business? Can employees say positive things in social media?

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The art of making good ice cream without added sugar

Hemglass has created sugar reduced ice creams that customers love. This spring they launched a strawberry ice cream cone, a vanilla ice cream with pear ice cover, and chocolate and vanilla ice cream in a cup and on a stick. And they did it without changing the recipe. Here is how they did it.

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Sweet desserts without sugar

At the classic restaurant Grodan in Stockholm, pastry chef Nils Idevall develops new desserts for a variety of target groups. What to offer guests who do not want, or can, eat sugar have been a hard nut to crack, but is now resolved for Nils Idevall. The solution is called Eureba — sugar reduction products from Bayn — which do not compromise on taste, but leave both guests and serving staff with a smile on their lips. Read the interview!

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